When I meet people and they find out that I own a Segway tour business I often offer to let them experience the Segway (I love to share the FUN). Most people will take me up on the offer but often someone will say, “I don’t have good balance.” and wave the idea away. If they have the time I will try to coax them to give it a try. When they swallow their fears, get on, and follow my instructions, 9 times out of 10 they will soon get a surprised look on their face and say, “I can do this!”
A tour we think you'll love
So who can ride on a Segway? The simple answer is whoever can trust the Segway can enjoy a glide on one. The Segway balances you, you don’t have to have balance. As long as you can stand you can glide on a Segway.
TRUST is the key!
Is there a weight requirement? The official Segway Inc. restrictions are that you must be between 100-260 pounds. We have had people on tours as small as 60 pounds and as heavy at over 360 and there has not been a problem. The guideline that we share is that if you have a hard time walking because of your weight then a Segway Tour is probably not a good fit for you.
Is there an age requirement? A Segway Tour participant must be 11 years old or older. We do not set an age that is too old to ride. We have had many people in their 80’s and at least one in their 90’s enjoy a glide with us. If an older person is overly nervous about taking the tour, it is probably not a good fit for them.
Now you know! Make sure to reply “Yes” the next time someone asks if you want to give try out a Segway!